Götz Ruhland

Born 1962 in Wimbern, Germany
High school in Werl, Westf., Germany.
„Abitur“ (approx. A-level) in 1982
Studies in geology at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany
„Diplom“ (approx. Master of Science) at the University of Bremen, Germany in 1988
Worked in the Marine Geology Group at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Bremen
Experience on gas chromatography, worked on marine biomarkers
Now working at the MARUM – Centre Of Marine Environmental Sciences of the University of Bremen
Responsibility for logistics of research vessel cruises, ROV pilot, mooring work, network administrator
Participant on several research cruises on the german vessels Meteor (south Atlantic), Sonne (eastern Pacific), Polarstern (Arctica, Antarctica), and Poseidon (eastern Atlantic) as well as chilenean research vessels (eastern Pacific) and dutch vessels (south Atlantic)
Languages: German (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (basics), Dutch (basics)
Interests in photography, travel, sailing
* Printmedien – Printed Media *
Landeskirche tritt Rettungsbündnis bei, 07.02.2020
Kirche und Gesellschaft | CVJM Landesverband Hannover e.V., 03.02.2020
Jungefreiheit.de Weitere Kirchengemeinden treten „United4Rescue“-Bündnis bei, 03.02.2020
„Poseidon“ wird Flüchtlingsschiff – Pro Medienmagazin, 31.01.2020
Help your kids with geography
Page 83, Dorling Kindersley Ltd., ISBN: 978-0-2413-4348-7
UniSpiegel, Heft 3, Mai 2005, Artikel: Drang an die Spitze: Phantom Elite-Uni, 7.6.2005
Spiegel-Archiv (siehe pdf-Link auf
http://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/studium/0,1518,356592,00.html )
Geowissenschaften-Erforschung des Systems Erde
Informationsschrift der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, 2005
(Titel und S.9)
* Internet *
ORF.at D: Evangelische Kirche kauft Schiff zur Seenotrettung
Kirche hat genug Geld für Rettungsschiff gesammelt
Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, 2017
Judith Milz: Pol der relativen Unzugänglichkeit
The Ghan. Long Distance Train Trip Through Australia (20.09.2009)
Poseidon und Alkor werden bei der Lindenau Werft grunderneuert (14.03.2005)
Meteor-Logbuch 06/2004 bei RCOM Bremen
Bewuchs-Atlas von Bewuchs-Atlas e.V.